


发布时间:2022-12-20 17:51:03














Notice on COVID-19 Vaccination for Foreign Nationals in Fuzhou

Fuzhou starts COVID-19 vaccination for foreign nationals today. Foreignnationals in Fuzhouwithin the age group (18 or above) are eligible for COVID-19vaccines manufactured by China (already launched in the market), on an informedand voluntary basis with the risks undertaken by themselves.

China’s domestic inactivated SARS-CoV-2 vaccines will be used, and two dosesare required.

Appointments for inoculation can be made in the following ways:

1. Foreign nationals working in Fuzhou can make appointments through theiremployers; foreign teachers and students in Fuzhou colleges and universities canmake appointments through suchinstitutions.

2. Other foreign nationals in Fuzhou can make online appointments via MinZheng Tong APP, or WeChat official accounts of Fujian Provincial Center forDisease Control & Prevention (FJCDC), Fuzhou Center for Disease Control andPrevention, and Rong Yi Tong, or at designated vaccination hospitals and healthservice centers. List of designated vaccination sites attached.

Covid-19 inoculation is free of charge for foreign nationals covered bysocial medical insurance of Fuzhou and Fujian. Those not covered should bear atentative cost of RMB 120 per dose on their own, including RMB 90 per vaccine(on the basis of the vaccine type and its procurement price) and RMB 30 forinoculation service (guided by the service charge standard for inoculation ofvaccines out of the immunization program of Fujian).

Either a foreign permanent resident ID card or a valid passport with validresidence permitshall be presented at the vaccination site. Those who havecovered by China’s national social medical insurance scheme may present dueinsurance document at the vaccination site. Before the administration ofvaccines, documents including Informed Consent Form and Disclaimer ofLiabilities need to be signed, proper health protocols need to be followed, andhealth conditions need to be honestly revealed to the on-site healthprofessionals to determine each individual’s fitness for vaccination. Aftervaccination, stay in an observation area for 30 minutes and make sure no adversereactions occur before leaving. Pay close attention to personal health statuswithin 14 days of inoculation and seek medical advice promptly in case of anyadverse response.

Vaccination can reduce infection risks. However, no vaccine is 100%effective. It is important to maintain good hygiene habits, including wearingmasks, washing hands regularly, and keeping social distance. When necessary,foreign nationals should take nucleic acid test as required.

Contacts of Fuzhou Foreign Affairs Office are: 87622096, 87620010.

List of Designated Hospitals (Health Service Centers) of COVID-19 Vaccinationfor Foreign Nationals in Fuzhou City